- amphiprostyle
- n архит. амфипростиль
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
Amphiprostyle — Am*phip ro*style, a. [L. amphiprostylos, Gr. ? having a double prostyle: cf. F. amphiprostyle. See {Prostyle}.] (Arch.) Doubly prostyle; having columns at each end, but not at the sides. n. An amphiprostyle temple or edifice. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amphiprostyle — ● amphiprostyle adjectif Se dit d un temple présentant une rangée de colonnes sur chacune de ses deux façades, avant et arrière. amphiprostyle [ɑ̃fipʀɔstil] adj. ÉTYM. 1719, Richelet; de amphi , et prostyle. ❖ ♦ Archéol. (En parlant d un temple) … Encyclopédie Universelle
amphiprostyle — [am΄fə prō′stīl΄, am fip′rə stīl΄] adj. [L amphiprostylos < Gr: see AMPHI & PROSTYLE] Archit. having columns at the front and back, but none along the sides n. an amphiprostyle building … English World dictionary
amphiprostyle — adjective Etymology: Latin amphiprostylos, from Greek, from amphi + prostylos having pillars in front, from pro + stylos pillar more at steer Date: 1850 having columns at each end only < an amphiprostyle building > • amphiprostyle noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Amphiprostyle — In classical architecture, Amphiprostyle denotes a temple with a portico both at the front and the rear. This never exceeded the use of four columns in the front, and four in the rear. The best known example is the tetrastyle small Temple of… … Wikipedia
Amphiprostyle — Reconstitution du temple d Athéna Niké Amphiprostyle est un terme architectural désignant les temples (particulièrement grec et romain) possédant des rangées de colonnes en facade, à l avant et à l arrière mais sans colonne sur les côtés. Un des… … Wikipédia en Français
amphiprostyle — amphiprostylar, adj. /am fip reuh stuyl , am feuh proh stuyl/, adj. (of a classical temple) prostyle on both fronts. [1700 10; < L amphiprostylus < Gk amphipróstylos. See AMPHI , PROSTYLE] * * * … Universalium
amphiprostyle — adjective Having columns at either end but not along the sides. Syn: amphiprostylar See Also: prostyle … Wiktionary
amphiprostyle — [am fɪprəstʌɪl] adjective Architecture (of a classical building) having a portico at each end but not at the sides. Origin C18: via L. from Gk amphiprostulos, from amphi both, on both sides + prostulos (see prostyle) … English new terms dictionary
amphiprostyle — am·phi·pro·style … English syllables
amphiprostyle — am•phip•ro•style [[t]æmˈfɪp rəˌstaɪl, ˌæm fəˈproʊ staɪl[/t]] adj. archit. (of a classical temple) having a portico with columns on both fronts, but not on the sides • Etymology: 1700–10; < L amphiprostȳlus < Gk amphipróstȳlos. See amphi ,… … From formal English to slang